Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Euthanasia ia the art of kiling. Divided into 2 parts 1.Active and pasive euthanasia. Euthanasia is a sensitive issues.It is illegal in most countries.
Euthanasia is a controversial subject, not only because there are many different moral dilemmas associated with it, but also in what constitutes its definition. At the extreme ends of disagreement, advocates say euthanasia, also known as physician aid in dying, or physician assisted suicide, is a merciful method of death. At the other end are opponents of euthanasia, who may consider this method as a form of murder.
Well, im in between i dont 100% support euthanasia nor fully against it.There are conditions when euthanasia has to be practised.
  • To ends people suffering.
  • When the person is unlikely to benefit from the discovery of a cure for that illness during what remains of her life expectancy.
  • If the patience is as a direct result of the illness, either suffering intolerable pain or only has available a life that is unacceptably burdensome.
  • If the person has an enduring, voluntary and competent wish to die.

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