Thank you for smoking?
Everyone knows that smoking is a bad thing and it gives a bad impression. The movie was about how the lobbyist defended smoking in which he supported smoking and he thought that smoking is not wrong.
There was a feud between the company he is working with and the other company that was against smoking. He worked for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. There were certain authorities who tried to make people aware about the disadvantages of smoking by trying to put a warning image on each of the cigarette's packet. But this was argued by the tobacco supporters.
He also gave a briefing about smoking to the classmates of his son.By saying "no matter what you do, it is always right" to the children give an impression that smoking will never be wrong. This would make the children think that smoking is good and this statement will ruin their future simultaneously. Thus his son's teacher stopped him from saying any further.
He was once kipnapped by the anti-tobacco people and his body was plastered with nicotine patches in which this maybe fatal and lethal to him. The non-supporters of tobacco were trying to teach him on how wrong it was to support smoking and to allow other people to smoke may affect their lives and shorten their lives longetivity.
But fortunate for him that he didn't die although the nicotine patches were already to much to make him die. But at least he did learn from the lesson that any of the ingredients of the cigarette may lead to death!
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